Speaker speech descriptions.

Leading Simplicity – A Roadmap

Embracing simplicity as an operational mindset can unleash the power of people to be their best and focus on work that really matters. But simplicity needs an advocate and leaders who step up to send a message that simplicity is a priority that will reap outsized results. In this presentation, Lisa Bodell delivers real world…

Killing Complexity – Why Simple Wins

Complexity is crippling our organizations. Unproductive meetings, irrelevant rules and reports, and endless emails keep people from doing the work that matters most. Worse, complexity dampens morale and creates feelings of futility. It doesn’t have to be this way. CEO and TED-talk veteran Lisa Bodell shows organizations how to unleash the energy, collaboration, innovation, and…

Head, Heart, and Hands: A New Way to Look At Leadership

Leadership has changed. To get things done and drive bottom-line results, leaders must embrace a striking truth: they don’t just impact people’s work, but their overall health and well-being. Leaders who understand how physical, mental, and emotional health drives business performance will build trust, become magnets for exceptional talent, and elevate overall productivity. Suneel Gupta’s…


With experience as a national network news anchor and reporter, Mariana brings warmth and intelligence to each hosting, moderating, and interviewing assignment. Mariana’s curiosity and poise help her get the most out of those on stage with her. The breadth of Mariana’s experience speaks to her versatility. She’s moderated conversations on embracing a mindset for…

The Power Of Being Perfectly You

It’s a fact: People are at their best – at work and in life – when they feel like they can be themselves. They’re more confident in the face of change and uncertainty, more engaged and resilient, and have a greater sense of purpose and well-being. But fear can sometimes keep us from being real. In this presentation, Mariana…

Purpose in Action: Bringing Who You Are to Everything You Do

More than ever before, people are struggling to find meaning in their work. In this talk, Suneel Gupta helps people reset, reignite, and re-engage through a timeless practice called Dharma. Simply put, Dharma brings “who you are” and “what you do” into alignment. When we’re not aligned, we become exhausted, depleted, and burnt out. When we are aligned, we feel creative, energized,…

Gear Up – Fast Track Your Career

“How do you want to be talked about and what are you doing to make that happen?” Ken Schmidt reminds people that we are a story-telling species and getting noticed by customers or even in your own organization is about being memorable. Saying or doing what people expect doesn’t make you – or your business…

Full Throttle – Shift Gears, Stand Out, and Cruise to the Top

“No matter what we sell, make, or do, we’re a commodity to people who don’t know us,” says Ken Schmidt. Companies who understand that and change their mindset to engage customers differently will win big. Authenticity stands out in today’s impersonal world and Ken unpacks a roadmap for creating an unshakable emotional connection with customers. This talk is rooted in the ideas that drove Harley-Davidson’s incredible…

Create Your Own Shazam Magic

The Shazam Story – Doing the Impossible The playlist identified with the request’s playlistId parameter cannot be found.   How to Create Shazam-Like Magic in Your Organization The playlist identified with the request’s playlistId parameter cannot be found.   More About Chris Shazam Founder | Inspirational Keynote Speaker | Chris Barton 2024 Reel CHRIS BARTON:…

Get Backable: Why Some Ideas Move Ahead While Others Get Ignored

The playlist identified with the request’s playlistId parameter cannot be found. The future belongs to organizations that enlist everyone in the effort to adapt swiftly to relentless change. But in the changing world of work, building community, collaboration, and engagement has become harder than before. Creating a culture that spawns fresh ideas is only half…