FLYGIRL: Executing Under Stress
FLYGIRL: Acknowledge the Obstacles – Don't Give Them Power
FLYGIRL: Obstacles = Opportunity
FLYGIRL: Adversity is the Mother of Innovation
FLYGIRL: Leading Your Leader
FLYGIRL: Leading in Fragmented and Virtual Times
FLYGIRL: The Power of Harnessing Urgency
FLYGIRL: FlyGirl Sizzle Reel - One Mission, One Goal, One Team
One Mission – One Goal – One Team
Gutsy Leaders create Gutsy Teams that make Gutsy Moves. They’re proactive – not reactive; and create the future by summoning the courage to adapt and align. Drawing on her trailblazing career as a U.S. Marine combat helicopter pilot, Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour unloads valuable lessons learned under the most stressful of circumstances – about leadership, teamwork, resilience, communication, execution, and building a culture of unshakable trust. FlyGirl’s storytelling lights up people’s imaginations – showing them new ways to achieve more than they ever thought possible.
– How to build trust: Get everyone to step up, engage, and collaborate
– Get personal: Learn each person’s skills, talents & hidden passions
– Ways to unleash your diversity to strengthen the bottom line
– Disrupt traditional metrics of success (measure more than money)
– Learn when to plant and when to pivot in order to adapt-at-speed
– Create a culture that attracts and retains the best talent
TAILORED TO THESE THEMES: Leadership, Teamwork, Execution, Adapting to Change, Inspiration, Creating High Performing Culture, Improving Trust, Diversity, Accountability, Engagement